April 25 – May 4, 2022 (GMT Vienna)
Thank you for being part of the biggest BCI & Neurotech Meeting ever! 5309 attendees from 107 countries. 340 participants in BR41N.IO BCI Hackathon in 45 teams! The whole world loves neurotechnology.
At the end of the Spring School, you are inivited to perform a difficult exam. The results are shown on your certificate. You have to ask your university to approve the certificate.
DAY 1 - APRIL 25
9:00 | How cool are BCIs?
Christoph Guger, g.tec medical engineering, Austria (AT)
10:00 | Combined EEG & fNIRS recordings for passive BCI applications
Tomasz M. Rutkowski, RIKEN AIP & The University of Tokyo, Tokyo (JP)
11:00 | How to perform ECoG-BCI experiments correctly
Christoph Kapeller & Michael Jordan, g.tec medical engineering, Austria (AT)
12:00 | Who are The BCI Guys?
Harrison Canning, Colin Fausnaught, Rochester, New York (USA)
13:00 | Closed-loop experiments with EEG and FES systems
Francisco Fernandes, g.tec medical engineering, Austria (AT)
14:00 | The BCI Research Award and how to host a BR4IN.IO hackathon
Brendan Allison, UCSD, San Diego, California (USA)
15:00 | How to record biosignals from different and multiple amplifiers
Micah Ching, g.tec medical engineering, Vancouver, BC (CA)
16:00 | How to control VR/AR with the g.tec Suite 2020
Bernard Wong & Martin Walchshofer, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Hong Kong (HK)
17:00 | Robotic Couture – BCIs in Fashion
Anouk Wipprecht, Fashion Designer (NL)
18:00 | Brain-computer Interfaces: One possible future for how we play
Mike Ambinder, Valve, Bellevue, WA (USA)
19:00 | BCIs to enhance life participation for children with severe neurological disabilities
Adam Kirton, Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary, AL (CA)

DAY 2 - APRIL 26
9:00 | Bidirectional noninvasive BMI-based neurorehabilitation for spinal cord injury patients
Solaiman Shokur, EPFL, Lausanne (CH)
10:00 | Decoding speech with ECoG
Tanja Schultz, University Bremen, Bremen (GE)
11:00 | ECoG and MEG for speech mapping & decoding and closed-loop motor interfaces
Alexey Ossadtchi, Moscow University, Higher School of Economics and Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Moscow (RU)
12:00 | Ambulatory closed-loop neurostimulation
Aysegul Gunduz, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida (SA)
13:00 | Rhythmic entrainment in cortical dynamics
Kai Miller, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MI (USA)
14:00 | Strategies for clinical closed loop neuromodulation
Adam Hebb, St. Joseph Hospital, Denver, Colorado (USA)
15:00 | Neurobiomarker discovery in neurological disorders: applications in neuromodulation and functional neurosurgery
Nuri Firat Ince, University of Houston, Houston, Texas (USA)
16:00 | Optimizing open-loop and closed-loop brain stimulation procedures
Johannes Grünwald, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
17:00 | Developing a speech neuroprosthesis for paralyzed users (2. place winner of the BCI Award 2021)
David A. Moses, UCSF, San Francisco, California (USA)
18:00 | Grids, strips, depth electrodes and much more
Justin Williams, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (USA)
19:00 | Eyetracking and EEG recordings
Alexander Lechner, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)

DAY 3 - APRIL 27
9:00 | RENEW project: Neuro-robotic research for promoting brain plasticity (3rd place BCI Award winner)
Hyung-Soon Park, KAIST, Daejeon (KOR)
10:00 | Advances in understanding of large-scale brain interactions and its clinical application
Gerwin Schalk, Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute, Shanghai (CN)
11:00 | Passive BCIs for enhancement and learning with technology
Maryam Alimardani, Tilburg University, Thilburg (NL)
12:00 | Machine learning in BCI decoding
Andi Partovi, KeyLead Health and University of Melbourne (AU)
13:00 | High-resolution ECG mapping
Gaby Captur, University College London, London (UK)
14:00 | Recording seizures and spreading depolarisations in awake rodents using graphene micro-transistor arrays
Rob Wykes, University College London, London (UK)
15:00 | Combining MEG, EEG, ECoG
Milena Korostenskaja, The Institute of Neuroapproaches, Orlando, Florida (USA)
16:00 | Brain-computer interfaces for ALS
Asaf Harel, BCI4ALS and Ben Gurion University of the Negev (IL)
17:00 | The Physio Observer to decode user states in real-time
Katrin Mayr, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Albany, NY (USA)
18:00 | Hyperscanning – EEG recordings from multiple subjects
Alex Lechner, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
19:00 | g.Pangolin – ultra high-density EEG grids
Leo Schreiner, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)

DAY 4 - APRIL 28
9:00 | The BCI & neurotech software g.tec Suite 2020
Martin Walchshofer, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
10:00 | A brain-spine interface complements deep-brain stimulation
Martin Moraud Eduardo, EPFL, CHUV, Lausanne (CH)
11:00 | BCIs for replacement and restoration of lost motor function in patient populations
Natalie Mrachacz-Kersting, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg (GE)
12:00 | TMS with simultaneous EEG recording
Slobodan Tanackovic, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
13:00 | Early components TMS-Evoked Potentials as index of effective connectivity
Marta Bortoletto, IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia (IT)
14:00 | fNIRS and EEG studies
Adam Noah, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut (USA)
15:00 | Assessing attention, stress and cognitive load in XR using brain sensing
Nataliya Kosmyna, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, (USA)
16:00 | Invasive and non-invasive BCI speech decoding and detecting seizure onset zones in epilepsy
William Speier, UCLA, Los Angeles, California (USA)
17:00 | EEG, tDCS in pediatric ADHD
Mor Nahum, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (IL)
18:00 | Error-related signals: from fundamental neuroscience to human-machine interaction
Gabriel Pires, Miguel Castelo-Branco University Coimbra, Coimbra (PT)
19:00 | Wireless EEG and fNIRS recordings
Patrick Reitner, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)

DAY 5 - APRIL 29
09:00 | BR41N.IO – The brain-computer interface designers’ hackathon
Christoph Guger, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
10:00 | BCIs for severely motor-impaired musicians
Eduardo Miranda & Satvik Venkatesh, University of Plymouth, Plymouth (UK)
11:00 | Humanoid robot control with BCIs
Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain (AE)
12:00 | Super-force humanoid robots
Antonio Frisoli, Percro, Pisa (IT)
13:00 | Combined recording of EEG, EMG, EOG, ECG, GSR signals
Slobodan Tanackovic, g.tec medical engineering, Austria (AT)
14:00 | Robotic control with EEG and ECoG technology
Christoph Kapeller, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
15:00 | Wireless EEG recordings and sports
Francisco Fernandes, g.tec medical engineering (AT)
16:00 | Resting state EEG rhythms to identify functional connectivity
Claudio Babiloni, Sapienza University of Rome (IT)
17:00 | The g.tec configurator and the Unicorn Educational Kit
Fan Cao, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
18:00 | Unicorn Blondy Check – Neuromarketing made easy
Martin Walchshofer, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)

DAY 6 - APRIL 30
9:00 | Introduction to BR41N.IO – A hackathon series by g.tec medical engineering
Christoph Guger, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
9:30 | Unicorn – The Brain Interface: Demo
Martin Walchshofer, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
10:30 | Motor imagery, P300, SSVEP and ECoG data-sets
Christoph Kapeller, Rupert Ortner, Johannes Grünwald g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg/Barcelona (AT/ES)
11:00 | Presentation of the hosting institutions & team formation
Christoph Guger (AT), Arianna Di Bernardo (IT), Enrico Sansone (IT), Abdelkader N. Belkacem (EA), Gabriel Pires (PT), Luis Emilio Bruni (DK), Hossein Dini (DK), Cosmin Bonchis (RO), Ferat Sahin (US), Maryam Alimardani (NL), Eden Redman (CA)
12:00 | Start BR41N.IO Hackathon
18:00 | All night hacking

DAY 7 - MAY 1
9:00 | Ethics of neurotechnology and brain-computer interfaces. Algorithmic transparency and the human brain.
Nikita Lukianets, OpenEthics.AI, Nice (FR)
13:00 | NeuroTechX – The international NeuroTech community
Yannick Roy NeuroTechX, Montreal (CA)
14:00 | BR41N.IO Hackathon project presentations
18:00 | BR41N.IO Award Ceremony

DAY 8 - MAY 2
9:00 | How to help stroke patients with g.tec’s brain-computer interfaces?
Christoph Guger, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
10:00 | recoveriX stroke therapy – A practice session
Marc Sebastian, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Barcelona (ES)
11:00 | Brain-computer interface training for patients with severe upper limb paresis after stroke – The Hammel Neurocenter Study
Iris Brunner, University of Aarhus, Aarhus (DK)
12:00 | Principles of neurorehabilitation and were BCI fits in
Tim von Oertzen, Kepler University Hospital, Linz (AT)
13:00 | Stroke rehabilitation: How effective is FES?
Marian Poboroniuc, Gheorghe Asachi’ Technical University of Iasi, Iasi (RO)
14:00 | Stroke rehabilitation with BCI and fMRI validation
Vivek Prabhakaran, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (USA)
15:00 | The recoveriX Gym in Slovenia
Sergej Prosen, recoveriX Gym Slovenia, Maribor (SI)
15:30 | BCI training experience with chronic patients in Israel
Nadav Schechter, recoveriX Gym Binyamina and Jerusalem (IL)
16:00 | Lower limb rehabilitation with recoveriX stroke therapy
Woosang Cho, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
17:00 | Clinical relevance of BCI treatment of stroke patients
David Lin, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (USA)
18:00 | recoveriX therapy in Florida
Dorothee Zuleger, Neurohub, Altamonte Springs, Florida (USA)
18:30 | The state of neurorehabilitative BCI in Denmark
Benjamin Svejgaard Jørgensen, Aalborg Universitetshospital (DK)
19:00 | Brain assessment parameters for stroke
Marc Sebastian & Sebastian Sieghartsleitner, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Barcelona (ES)

DAY 9 - MAY 3
9:00 | BCI for the assessment, prediction, communication & rehabilitation of patients with disorders of consciousness
Christoph Guger, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
10:00 | mindBEAGLE assessment, communication, predication, rehabilitation
Rupert Ortner, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Barcelona (ES)
11:00 | Vibro-tactile rehabilitation protocol for patients with disorders of consciousness
Ren Xu, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
12:00 | New BCI paradigms applied in Shanghai
Jing Jin, East China University (CN)
13:00 | How to assess LIS and CLIS patients with brain-computer interfaces
Rossella Spataro, University of Palermo, Palermo (IT)
14:00 | Prediction of outcome of coma patients
Marzia De Lucia, CHUV, Lausanne (CH)
15:00 | BCIs in the neurosurgery unit
Kyousuke Kamada, Mengumino Hospital, Sapporo (JP)
16:00 | How new technologies improve the care of severely brain damaged patients
Steven Laureys, University of Liége, Liege (BE)
17:00 | Cognition in DOC patients: assessment and management
Caroline Schnakers, Casa Colina Hospital, Pomona, California (USA)
18:00 | Advanced methodologies for EEG signal processing reveal new insights in Disorders of Consciousness
Jlenia Toppi, Sapienza Universitá di Roma, Rome (IT)
19:00 | Searching for consciousness in the ICU
Brian L. Edlow, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts (USA)
DAY 10 - MAY 4
9:00 | Functional mapping with the ECoG and cortico-cortical evoked potentials
Christoph Guger, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
10:00 | Analysis of cortical network in pathological brain by subdural grid technique
Kyousuke Kamada, Mengumino Hospital, Sapporo (JP)
11:00 | Running functional mapping procedures in real-time
Christoph Kapeller & Mostafa Mohammadpour, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
12:00 | High-gamma activity mapping of semi-awake state under generalized anesthesia
Takahiro Sanada, Asahikawa Medical University, Asahikawa (JP)
13:00 | Cortico-cortical evoked potentials
Riki Matsumoto, Kobe University Hospital, Kobe (JP)
14:00 | High-gamma mapping and gamma echo
Peter Brunner, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (USA)
15:00 | Functional mapping with stereo EEG in pediatric epilepsy surgery
Masanori Takeoka, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (USA)
16:00 | Integrating MRI measurements with stimulation based connectivity in intracranial EEG
Dora Hermes, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (USA)
17:00 | Brain Stimulation – From functional mapping to closed-loop neuromodulation
Christoph Kapeller, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
18:00 | Spring School Exam
Christoph Guger, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)
19:00 | Participation certificates and Unicorn Hybrid Black winner announcement
Christoph Guger, g.tec medical engineering GmbH, Schiedlberg (AT)

„I have always been interested in BCI and the Spring School 2021 provided a comprehensive resource to understand all elementary concepts and SOTA research ongoing in the field. Read my complete summary about my experiences attending the g.tec BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School 2021. ”
Nayanika Biswas - Spring School 2021 Attendee
„I participated in the Spring School 2021 for ten days, it was a great experience and I learned a lot. I got to know professors and different fields of study in BCI technology. Furthermore, all of the other g.tec staff members contribute to this great school and taught us how to record EEG signals with the new g.tec instruments.“
Helia Mirabi - Spring School 2021 Attendee
I put the BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School and g.tec’s webinars into the curriculum of my University and my students from the BrainLab are following eagerly.
Adriane B. Randolph, PhD - Director of Kennesaw State University BrainLab
“The BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School 2021 was an amazing experience, ten days of great talks and presentations from some of the most important researchers in the field of Neuroscience. In the weekend, I took part in the Virtual Brain Hackathon! Our work aimed to implement a pipeline to augment SSVEP data using a TimeGAN model.“
Giacomo D’Amicantonio - Spring School 2021 Attendee, Machine Learning Journal Club Member
“These 10 days were really amazing and very educational. One of the most wonderful parts was connecting with great minds from various disciplines and countries.“
Shreyansh Sheth - Spring School 2021 Attendee
“For me, as a speech-language pathologist and audiologist, it is very important to be aware of new technologies that can make a difference in patients’ lives! And as a master’s student in Neuroengineering the Spring School 2021 was 10 days of full knowledge and learning new things in my research area!”
Carolina Evangelista - Spring School 2021 Attendee
“The Spring School 2021 was a great opportunity to learn and connect with great minds from various disciplines around the world! This was truly phenomenal!“
Victor Nguyen - Spring School 2021 Attendee
“In these 10 days I had the opportunity to focus on the theme Brain-Computer Interface and to discover once again the great power of technology on improving living conditions.
Competing in my first hackathon was a great stimulus and allowed me to get to know brilliant and creative people from all over the world.“

“This Spring School covers all parts of the BCI world from non-invasive to invasive measurement and its application! It gave me a whole new experience learning more about those BCI applications and what everyone is working on. I really enjoyed the keynote speakers and learned a lot from them. “
Praewpiraya Wiwatphonthana - Spring School 2021 Attendee
“Through these intensive 10 days I learned about countless cutting-edge applications of neurotechnology from professionals world-wide. I am also truly humbled by their initiative of free education and the impact it has and will have on the next generation of scientists!“
Joao Pereira - Spring School 2021 Attendee