g.Pangolin is the world’s first ultra-high density electrode grid and biopotential amplifier system. It works with active wet electrode technology to measure EEG, EMG, ECG or other body signals. g.Pangolin is connected to g.HIamp (the multi-channel back-end biopotential recording device) and can acquire biosignal data with 24 Bit resolution and a sampling rate of up to 38400 Hz per channel.
Exact electrode distances and circumscribed small contact areas on the skin allow unsurpassed spatial biopotential recordings densities. Therefore, g.Pangolin recordings are perfectly suited for the application of sophisticated source localization techniques both for online and offline non-invasive functional source imaging.
g.Pangolin in connection with g.HIamp can be used with g.HIsys software environment for data acquisition, visualization and real-time processing. g.HIsys allows to acquire up to 1.024 channels, by using four g.HIamp’s with 256 channels, each.
Up to 1.024 channel recordings supported |
Unsurpassed ultra-high density surface EEG, EMG, ECG recordings |
Up to 38400 Hz sampling frequency per channel |
24 bit resolution |
Active electrode system with highest signal to noise ratio |
Exact electrode positioning and inter-electrode distances |
No extensive skin preparation necessary |
Easy direct and fast fixation of multiple electrode grids in short time |
Easy connection to back end recording system |
Battery supply for versatile recordings |
Input voltage range | +/- 300 mV |
Highpass | 0.2 Hz |
Input impedance | >100 MOhm |
Output | 5 V DC |
Safety Class | II |
Applied part | BF |
Electrode diameter | 5.9 mm |
Center to center electrode distance | 8.6 mm |
g.Pangolin uses 16 channel electrodes grids which are mounted with an adhesive strip onto the human skin after it is filled with conductive electrode gel. The electrode is shaped like a polygon so that up to 64 grids can be aligned perfectly next to each other. A key advantage is the spatial resolution that can be achieved with the g.Pangolin. The electrodes on a grid are perfectly distributed with exact positions. This simply gives a much higher resolution than normal EEG systems.

The system allows to place 24 electrode grids over the motor cortex. This gives in total 384 channels just from this region and therefore we are able to discriminate single finger movements from each other. This task is normally not possible with EEG and people are using ECoG implants for doing that.

For source localization, mostly 64-256 EEG electrodes are used. These EEG systems have varying distances between the electrodes and a couple of centimeters distance from electrode to electrode. The g.Pangolin system has fixed electrode positions and just 8.6 mm center to center distance, leading to a superb spatial and never seen resolution.
This opens up research possibilities where all cortical brain regions can be investigated, such as brain mapping tasks, to find the sources of epilepsy, to detect high-frequency oscillations or for neurophysiological studies.

High-resolution ECG measurements are conventionally done with disposable electrodes that are individually attached and have distance of a couple of centimeters. With the g.Pangolin system, the ECG can be captured with a never seen spatial resolution and perfect spacing between the recording electrodes. The g.Pangolin headstage amplifier is attached to the disposable electrode to reduce power line interface which is impacting the QRS complex registration. This allows a much more precise analysis of the underlying ECG waves.

High-density surface EMG is a non-invasive technique to measure electrical muscle activity with multiple (more than two) closely spaced electrodes overlying a restricted area of the skin. With the g.Pangolin system up to 1024 channels can be assembled quickly with perfect spacing. The biosignal amplifiers is directly placed on the electrodes which registers high-quality EMG data without artifacts from power line interference normally seen with passive electrodes.

25 years ago, it used to take 60 minutes for 64 channels. With 512 passive EEG electrodes, it would’ve been an 8-hour ordeal. But with the g.Pangolin uHD-EEG system, it’s just 30 minutes. The g.Pangolin grid electrodes, with a center-to-center distance of only 8.6 mm and small diameter, allow for recording with exceptionally high spatial resolution.
With this setup, we can replicate every EEG experiment that has ever been done with improved resolution.
This video shows how to prepare and mount the g.PANGOLIN High-Density EEG electrodes grids on the head of a subject. g.Pangolin uses 16 channel electrodes grids which are mounted with an adhesive strip onto the human skin after it is filled with conductive electrode gel. You can see the g.PANGOLIN headstage as well as the g.HIamp Multi-Channel Biosignal Amplifier.
g.Pangolin is designed for ultra-high density recordings of EEG, EMG, ECG, and other body signals. Its precise electrode distances and small contact areas ensure unparalleled spatial recording densities, ideal for sophisticated source localization techniques. When paired with g.HIamp and the g.HIsys software environment, g.Pangolin allows for data acquisition, visualization, and real-time processing of up to 1.024 channels, making it a powerful tool for non-invasive functional source imaging both online and offline.
The Pangolin Scales Dress demonstrates the world’s first 1.024 channel brain-computer interface (BCI), which is able to extract information from the human brain with an unprecedented resolution to control an interactive, fashionable dress. The Pangolin Scales Dress has been created by Fashion-Tech Designer Anouk Wipprecht.
The small headstage amplifier is connected to the electrode grid and is placed directly on the g.Pangolin EEG grid, enabling brain wave recordings with superb signal quality. The very small contact area and a high impedance. Usually, a lot of distortions would couple into the system because of the high impedance. But, with the headstage amplifier we can completely remove this problem and record high-quality EEG data. The headstage amplifier is connected to a g.HIamp with 256 channels. By using 4 g.HIamp’s and the Multi-device Toolbox of g.HIsys, you can record up to 1.024 channels.

Every single EEG study should be replicated due to the 1.024 channel resolution of the g.Pangolin.
Dr. Christoph Guger - g.tec medical engineering GmbH, AustriaGET YOURS
Select g.HIamp 256
Select g.Pangolin headstage
Select g.HIsys Software