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- g.EYEtracking Interface for EyeLink 1000 Plus
g.EYEtracking Interface for EyeLink 1000 Plus
The g.EYEtracking Interface for Simulink allows you to acquire eye gaze and x-, y-coordinates of the eye from e.g. a SR EyeLink 1000 Plus, together with biosignal data such as EEG, ECG, EMG and more in real-time. The signals can be visualized, stored and analyzed in real-time in Simulink and offline in MATLAB. It provides a block to read gaze data from the eye-tracker simultaneously with other biosignal data coming from g.USBamp, g.HIamp or g.Nautilus wireless EEG system with dry or wet electrodes.
Using g.HIsys with EyeLink 1000 Plus
g.Eyetracking Interface for Simulink provides a block for acquiring binocular gaze position and gaze diameter of the SR EyeLink 1000 Plus eye- tracking systems. The EyeLink system consists of a Host PC with an EyeLink camera system connected to it. The Host PC samples the gaze with up to 1000 Hz and provides the acquired data to a Display PC via TCP/IP. The Display PC is running the experiment and visualizes the eye- tracking data.
The g.EYEtracking Interface for Simulink for EyeLink 1000 plus software is running on a 3rd PC, the Data Acquisition PC. This PC uses the data connection between the Host PC and the Display PC to acquire the eye tracker data or the EyeLink eye tracker using a so-called ‘broadcast’ connection. Additionally, the software could also be run on the Display PC.
Highlights of g.EYEtracking Interface for Simulink
- acquire binocular gaze position and gaze diameter data of the SR EyeLink 1000 plus
- acquire at 250, 500 or 1000 Hz sample rate
- low latency: < 3ms (gaze detection @ Host PC– data available in Simulink)
- simultaneous data acquisition of biosignal using g.HIamp or g.USBamp
- analysis of EEG and eye-tracker data in MATLAB Simulink
g.Nautilus dry or gel-based wireless EEG can be used with SR Research EyeLink 1000 plus eye trackers. In this case, the EyeLink 1000 plus system samples the gaze at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz (see SR Research homepage for further information).