October 11, 2022, 09:00-18:00 (GMT+2)

Simply turn on your PC and get direct access to some of the most renowned national institutions and scientists in the Middle East and North Africa. 




The development of brain-computer interface technologies and connecting the brain to computers and robots via a non-muscular pathway has made a huge difference in various fields such as rehabilitation, robotics, or even art. Nowadays, BCI technology is getting noticed more and more by the international tech giants around the world, making them interested in dedicating their budgets and funding to develop this ever-growing technology.

g.tec has invited some of the best BCI researchers of the Middle East and North Africa to present their R&D achievements and introduce their latest BCI applications. Don’t miss this chance to get to learn new applications of brain-computer interfaces and gain insight into the nitty-gritty of the new techniques introduced by our speakers.



09:00-10:00 Current and future applications of BCIs (in English)
Christoph Guger, PhD – g.tec medical engineering GmbH)

10:00-11:00 Principles and Applications of Brain-Computer Interfaces – مفاهيم وتطبيقات واجهة الدماغ الحاسوبية (in Arabic)
Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem, PhD – United Arab Emirates University

11:00-12:00 Does Your Brain Knows you? – Introduction to Brain-Biometrics for Identity Authentication – هل دماغك يعرفك؟ – مقدمة في القياسات الحيوية للدماغ لتوثيق الهوية (in Arabic)
  Nibras Abo Alzahab – Università Politecnica delle Marche 

12:00-12:40 EEG feature fusion for motor imagery: A new robust framework towards stroke patients rehabilitation – نظام ذكي لإعادة تأهيل مرضى السكتة الدماغية بالاعتماد على تحليل التخطيط الكهربائي للدماغ (in Arabic)
Zaid Alyasseri, PhD – University of Kufa

12:40-13:40 cortiQ – functional mapping and cortico-cortical potentials (in English)
Christoph Kapeller, PhD – g.tec medical engineering GmbH

13:40-14:20 Brain-computer interfaces as an emerging human-computer interaction technology – واجهات المخ والحاسب كتكنولوجيا ناشئة للتفاعل بين الإنسان والحاسب (in Arabic)
Seif Eldawlatly, PhD – The American University in Cairo

14:20-15:05 Intelligent fuzzy system for automatic artifact detection and removal from EEG signals – نظام ضبابي ذكي للكشف التلقائي عن الضوضاء وإزالته من إشارات مخطط كهربية الدماغ (in Arabic)
Said Agounad, PhD – Université Ibn Zohr

15:05-15:55 What do you gain by combining EEG and fNIRS? (in English)
Alexander Lechner – g.tec medical engineering GmbH

15:55-16:40 Real-Time mobile robot error corrections by involving humans in loop through BCI – تصحيح أخطاء الروبوت الجوال عن طريق اقحام الإنسان في حلقة التحكم عبر إشارات الدماغ (in Arabic)
Omer Karameldeen Ibrahim Mohamed – Università Politecnica delle Marche

16:40-17:40 BCI control modes in VR – أنماط التحكم بالترابط الدماغي الحاسوبي في الواقع الإفتراضي (in Arabic)
Bilal Alchalabi, PhD. – University of Montreal

17:40-18:00 How to use the Unicorn Education Kit in your curriculum and join the Hackathons? (in English)
Michael Schwarzgruber – g.tec medical engineering GmbH