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- The international BCI Award 2022
The international BCI Award 2022
The International BCI Award, endowed with 6,000 USD, is one of the top accolades in BCI research. The BCI Award was created to recognize outstanding and innovative research in the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces.12 projects are nominated before the winner is announced at the BCI Award Ceremony. There is no limitation or special consideration for the type of hardware and software used in the submission. The competition is open to any BCI group or researcher worldwide!
- The 12 nominated projects will be invited to submit a chapter to be published in a book (Springer)
- The winner gets 3,000 USD, the 2nd place 2,000 USD and the 3rd place 1,000 USD and a Gert Pfurtscheller bread knife
- All nominees are invited to present their work virtually during the BCI Award Ceremony
- All winners get a keynote talk invitation to the BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School, the biggest BCI event worldwide
- Write a project description in 2 pages in English. Make sure to start your submission with a short introduction text in which you summarize your submission within 3-5 sentences.
- Include author’s name(s), contact information, project title, brief description and current status of the work, images, figures and tables (if needed).
- Make a short film (format 16:9 or 1:1) to explain the subject matter of your BCI project submission (2 minutes max, spoken or subtitled in English. If you can, convert your short film in a 9:16 format for social media posts.
- Send the document as a .pdf file and the short film to submit@bci-award.com before the indicated deadline.
- Submission closes on September 1st, 2022
- Nominees Announcement on September 30th, 2022
- BCI Award Ceremony and winners announcement on October 11th, 2022